North Carolina Commercial Real Estate Data, Information, and Market Intelligence

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North Carolina commercial real estate sold prices and values

Values and sold prices (last 24 months) United States North Carolina
Average price/sqft $927 $1,602
Average sold price $1,032,380 $770,634
Median sold price $196,915 $181,352
Number of sales 3,733,633 144,239
Number of sales over $250k 1,581,467 55,939
Number of sales over $1m 359,353 10,362
Number of sales over $10m 48,908 1,194
Average total tax amount $7,081 $2,797
Average assessed value $252,824 $272,179
Average market value $357,265 $274,042

North Carolina commercial real estate property averages

Property averages United States North Carolina
Average lot size 816,594 sf 437,235 sf
Median lot size 24,465 sf 41,461 sf
Average building area 1,077 sf 210 sf
Median building area 77 sf 70 sf
Median year built 1970 1983
Average number of units 16 10
Median number of units 2 --

North Carolina commercial real estate industrial mortgages

Supply United States North Carolina
Number of parcels 58,466,290 1,843,387
Aggregate lot acreage 1,006,409,685 15,338,084
Aggregate building area 8,055,383,228 sf 50,669,141 sf
Aggregate units 90,025,159 1,283,168

North Carolina commercial real estate total supply

Debt United States North Carolina
Number of mortgages 41,927,940 839,862
Average value of mortgages $5,197,708 $4,962,957